News & Links
Where to meet us:
Please check out the other Drosophila groups at our institute:
Klämbt lab
Stanewsky lab
Luschnig lab
The Rumpf lab is part of the Münster Collaborative research Center SFB1348.

Sebastian is a co-organizer of the weekly Cells-in-Motion Brown Bag Lunch seminar series.
Sebastian is a Junior European Drosophila Investigator.
We have an open PhD position in the lab!


Read Marco's new paper in Cell Reports!
October: Neele Wolterhoff defended her PhD thesis - congratulations!
April/May: Welcome to new PhD students Matthew and Lorena!
March: Lorena defended her Master thesis - congratulations!2020:
Read Neele's new paper in EMBO Reports!
November: The third Rumpf lab graduate: Rafael Krämer defended his PhD thesis - congratulations!

Welcome to new PhD students Marco Marzano, Neele Wolterhoff and Neeraja Sanal, and new technician Ulrike Gigengack!
Svende's paper on microtubule disassembly and Sandra's paper on translation regulation during pruning are published!
August/November 2017:
The first two Rumpf lab PhDs Svende Herzmann and Sandra Rode defend their PhD theses - congratulations!

April 2017:
We hosted a Drosophila dendrite meeting with the groups of Gaia Tavosanis (Bonn) and Peter Soba (Hamburg).
Events in 2016
Svende’s and Sandra’s Pilot Project applications were funded – Thanks CiM!
August 2016:
June 2016:
The Rumpf lab at the EMBO workshop on „Mechanisms of Neuronal Remodeling“ (Kloster Seeon).

Svende Herzmann, Rafael Krumkamp, Sebastian Rumpf and Sandra Rode at Kloster Seeon. Photo courtesy of Lukas Neukomm.
March 2016:
Welcome to new Bachelor students Ina Opriel and Henrike Ohm!
February 2016:
We got a Cells-in-Motion Flexible Funds grant for a collaborative project with the Rentmeister lab.